Títol: This is what happy looks like
Autora: Jeniffer E. Smith
Editorial: Headline
Idioma: Anglès
If fate sent you an email, would you answer?
It's June - seventeen-year-old Ellie O'Neill's least favourite time of year. Her tiny hometown is annually invaded by tourists, and this year there's the added inconvenience of a film crew. Even the arrival of Hollywood heart-throb Graham Larkin can't lift her mood.
But ther's somethingmaking Ellie very happy. Ever since an email was accidentally sent to her a few months ago, she's been corresponding with a mysterious stranger, the two of them sharing their hopes and fears. Their developing realtionship is not without its secrets- there's the truth about Ellie's past... and her pen pal's real identity. When they finally meet in person, things are destined to get much more complicated. Can two people, worlds apart but bought together by chance, make it against all the odds?
"Well, thank you but that's not what happy looks like."
"What does it like, then?"
"Sunrises over the harbor. Ice cream on a hot day. The sound of the waves down the street. The way my dog curls up next to me on the couch. Evening stolls. Great movies. Thunderstorms. A good cheeseburger. Fridays. Saturdays. Wednesdays, evenSticking you toes in the water. Pijama pants. Flip-flops. Swiming. Poetry. The absence of smiley faces in an e-mail.
What does it look like to you?
I la meva opinió:
Com ja he dit abans és el primer llibre que aconsegueixo acabar en anglès (estic molt orgullosa) i la veritat és que feia temps que no m'enganxava tan un llibre. El vaig comprar en el viatge de final de curs a Londres, i el vaig acabar al cap d'una setmana. Al costat dels miserables (ja le he acabat d'aquí poc tindreu la ressenya) que me'ls estava llegint al mateix temps This is what happy looks like era molt fàcil d'entendre.
Whoopie pies |
És la típica comèdia romàntica, divertida, lleugera ,amb moments dolços i enganxifosos.. i sobretot molt addictiva.
I no he tingut gaires problemes amb l'idioma, encara que he notat que encara hem faltava molt vocabulari. I em va enganxar tan que vaig ser capaç d'aixecar-me del sofà per buscar tres paraules al traductor, tot un record! normalment segueixo el mètode menys fiable però més còmode de deduir el seu significat segons el context. Sort que ho vaig buscar perquè segons el meu mètode lobster volia dir òs quan significa llagosta!